Annihilation (2018 Movie) –

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10 Responses

  1. Christian Russell says:

    Um Natalie Portman is the most beautiful actress to exist.

  2. Jade C says:

    Padme NO

  3. entermatrix says:


  4. Gilbert Cortez says:

    I better smoke a blunt before walking in to see this movie!

  5. sonsofsparda22 says:

    Shoud’ve just called it rapture. It seems everyone dies mostly peacefully

  6. Someone says:

    It looks like the earth and plants are intelligent and are fighting back

  7. Junior Santiago says:

    Human annihilation by AI

  8. PaulTurbo says:

    I hope she gets naked.

  9. Matt Scallon says:

    Finally a trailer without revealing the plot so much that it ruins it

  10. Hush Whisper says:

    God is REAL. He left something for Us to find on top of Our Planet. I found it several years ago and that’s why I created my YouTube Channel. I’d like to invite anyone reading this, to come see what I found on Google Earth. I can prove to anyone on this Planet, that God is ABSOLUTELY REAL BEYOND ALL DOUBT. Please come see. This is NOT Click Bait. Several times already I’ve asked several different YouTube channels to come and try and debunk what I found, so far no one has. Please come see and help me share it with others. There’s HOPE!

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