Get Out –

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10 Responses

  1. Eirik Matias Bøe says:

    So happy I didn’t see the trailer before the movie… Almost just a shortened down version

  2. ternitamas says:

    seriously WTF!

  3. Fluxquark says:

    Once again the trailer spoils most of the movie

  4. Theresa Hope says:

    Best movie!!! Give them an oscar

  5. Shin Lawliet says:

    a comment from Mr Nightmare’s video brought me here

  6. Gwendykim Orrava says:

    highly recommended movie…very nice story and actors are really great… i sooo much enjoyed watching when chris had his revenge.

  7. Sniffzoer says:

    this is the worst trailer ive ever seen, i got no sense what the film was about, and it just repeat cynical sound effects and comments.
    I dont understand what it was supposed to convince me to do…

  8. Soani Velez says:


  9. beerponglegend69 says:

    The scariest part is that it was actually nominated for some Oscars.

  10. Vassilis Tsapopoulos says:

    Great movie, awful trailer! Don’t watch it before you see the movie.

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