Star Wars A Tribute To Carrie Fisher –
Star Wars a Tribute to Carrie Fisher; during a Star Wars festivity, Carrie Fisher was acknowledged for the Princess Leia role spanning the Star Wars movie series. Carrie Fisher, who died in December 2016, has been a vital part of Star Wars movies from the beginning, and the tribute audiovisual aids as a touching remembrance of Carrie Fisher’s artistry as Princess Leia. The compliments in the video piece also contain appearances from numerous actors and movie production staff from the initial three movies and the follow-up movies, there where highlight by many actors on how Carrie Fisher’s role has been a motivation to both their own roles in the movies and the millions of Star Wars admirers around the world. Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd, narrated one of Carrie Fisher’s ‘Star Wars’ movie dialogues in the event, in the end John Williams quieted the thousands of people with a symbolic single finger. Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker also pay a tribute to Carrie Fisher, indicating he hoped this event would not happen for additional 30 years that is Carrie Fisher was relatively young to have died in December 2016. May Carrie Fisher’s soul rest in peace.
Carrie Fisher drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.
I Miss her so bad! May the Force be with you! Princess. We all love you
How are they going to make the “Last Jedi” movie without her
Very classy, Star Wars. You guys are awesome!
Well guess what?! My mom started cutting onions
She came back as a force ghost
Goodbye Carrie, for us you will be our princess forever. May the force be with you ???
#Brasil Que a força esteja com você…
When I heard this , I cried. Rest in peace Leia Organa xxx