What’s the Best Cat Litter? – ipasm.com
Cat Litter is used to prevent the Cat from passing urine and excrement all over the house, which is the Cat, has an area or a Cat Litter Box to use for Cat’s toilet activities. Some Cats may have problem using the Cat Litter Box due to various reasons, this is when you will need a Cat behaviour and medical expert to help, as this could be as a result of medical condition like urinary tract infections. Get Breeder Celect Cat Litter now
I loved this video, but I do think a cat needs one additional box is needed
per cat.
One cat needs two boxes and so on.
Hi Dr. Becker. Thank you for a great video. I have had multiple cats in
my home for 35 years and have found everything you said to be true except
for the ratio of boxes per cats. I have always had 3 to 5 cats and have
always had one large box. It is scooped twice per day and changed and
washed every week. I have never had an issue with kitties failing to use
the box. The Scoopable litter manufacturers do everyone a disservice by
stating that you never need to dump the litter. When people tell me they
have a cat that peed on their bed or in a corner, I usually find that they
haven’t dumped or cleaned the box, ever. They just keep adding a little
new litter to the old. I hope people heard you and understand that dumping
and cleaning every week is for scoopable too, regardless of what it says on
the package.
icdont like scented litters or the clumping kitters.ive gone back to clay,
I clean it daily then every third day I dump the whole box.cat is happier
I use a large litter box, clumping clay litter and scoop once or twice a
day. I hardly ever clean the box, I just keep adding litter. My cat and I
never have a problem.